Yes to People. Yes to Housing.


Learn about the pro-housing movement and how you can make housing more affordable near you!

Let's build Santa Rosa into an affordable, low-carbon, and vibrant city for all.

We are a group of Santa Rosa neighbors who advocate for more housing

We are Santa Rosa residents. We’re a mix of long-time residents and newcomers, renters and homeowners, business owners and employees, families and individuals, citizens and immigrants, commuters, bus riders, cyclists and pedestrians.

Our Mission

To build Santa Rosa into an affordable, low-carbon, and vibrant city for all.

  • Build. Thriving cities are dynamic; they foster the growth of housing and services necessary to meet the current and future needs of different households including students, seniors, single adults, families, and more.

  • Affordable. Building adequate housing helps keep housing costs naturally affordable for most individuals and households without public subsidy—allowing limited public resources to focus on providing quality housing for very-low income households the market cannot reach.

  • Low-carbon. Low-carbon cities embrace density so that residents can enjoy a high quality of life while using less energy, less water, driving fewer miles, emitting fewer greenhouse gasses, and preserving open space from sprawl.

  • Vibrant. More housing means more entrepreneurs, artists, businesses, educators, and workers needed to make Santa Rosa a fun and exciting place to spend time and money, attract visitors, and build families.

  • For all. A housing-abundant city is an affordable city, helping ensure families and communities of all shapes, colors, and sizes are able to thrive for the long haul.

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Contact officials, sign petitions, and take other action to push for change.

Current actions

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Come to one of our social events, educational events, or chapter meetings.

Upcoming events

Become a member

Support our work for housing abundance, and join our online community.


Our Solutions

Policies we support

Legalize Housing

Allow more housing in every neighborhood, especially historically affluent and exclusionary neighborhoods, removing barriers to both subsidized affordable and market rate housing

Fix Incentives

Reform structures that incentivize communities to say no to new homes, including tax systems and car centric transportation systems.

Streamline Permitting

Make housing permits fast and fair, removing arbitrary barriers to both subsidized affordable and market rate housing.

Increase Housing Stability

Enact policies that support current residents having stable housing choices amid growth.

Fund Affordable Housing

Increase funding for subsidized affordable housing through a wide variety of mechanisms, including direct subsidies.